Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Sean moment

Some of you have probably already heard this story because I thought it was so funny I have been telling everyone. But for those who haven't, here it is:

The other day when I was about to take Sean to school, he had swept the kitchen floor and made a little pile. He wanted to sweep it into the dustpan but it was one of those times when we had to leave RIGHT THEN so I told him I would sweep it up for him while he was at school. At this point he became quite worried. He said: "No, because if you leave the bus stop you might not be there when I come back!" I looked at him strangely, then asked, "Sean, do you think I stay at the bus stop the whole time you are at school?" (It's three hours) He said "Yes?" I told him that I always went home and then came back when it was time for the bus to arrive. He looked slightly disappointed, and said "But all the other mommies stay! Don't you want to stay too?" "Oh Sean," I said, "The mommies ALL go home. None of us stay!" He thought about this for a bit, and got a sheepish grin on his face.

This totally made my entire day. I found it hilarious to picture Sean imagining all the mommies waiting faithfully for their children for three hours at the bus stop! Still makes me smile when I think about it. I'm glad I don't really have to spend three hours a day standing at his bus stop :)


  1. That is seriously the cutest, funniest thing. I love hearing what kids say and think!

  2. Wow you are a dedicated mom! Of course he thinks you are standing there waiting for him because your life is him! So funny and sweet!
