Saturday, August 7, 2010

Random Cuteness

It's been a while since I've updated the blog because we've been really busy lately. Bryant took a vacation week and we took the kids up to Seattle to have fun for a few days. Unfortunately I forgot to bring the camera to every one of our vacation outings. So this is mostly just an update post with recent pictures of the kids being cute.

So we got Cami some new shoes this summer:

Those look a bit big. Luckily these are the ones we actually bought her:

Cami likes her new pink shoes.

Sean's favorite new trick is to do headstands. He can actually maintain them for a while:

You might think Sean is playing hide-and-seek in this picture. He isn't. He is playing "hide-the-ball" instead, a game of his own invention that is nice since our back yard is ill suited for successfully hiding in without getting dirty and/or scratched by bushes.

We've been enjoying the warm weather, and Sean had a great time riding the light rail to Seattle this week. Cami and Sean had fun at the beach and the aquarium. I'm only sad that summer is almost over! Happy summer to everyone.