Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bryant's birthday and more

Bryant is now three decades old. To console him for getting so old I made him a chocolate birthday cake.

I think it looks like a giant doughnut.

Sean was having fun with the camera that day and wanted to surprise his daddy by taking a picture of him the moment he walked in the door that evening. Here is the result:

Cami has been going to swimming class with me on Saturdays. She is getting really good at kicking her legs while she is on her tummy. She looks very cute in her little pink swimming suit:

Last night Sean got to camp out in the living room. Don't ask me why this was so exciting, but he had been looking forward to it all week!

Also this week, I finally worked up the nerve to get my hair cut. I've had it long for quite some time now and have been getting really sick of it. Here are the results:

It's been a fun busy week!


  1. Love your hair cut!

    And good job on the giant doughnut! :)

  2. I want to see a picture of your haircut from the front. This angle looks cute though.
